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Lot Visibility Settings


Added third option to lot visibility: hidden but accessible.

Lots set to this will be treated as hidden and won't appear on permit pages, but can still be booked from if the booking page is accessed through direct URL or QR code.

Lot Edit Page

  • Changed checkbox for visibility into three radio buttons with one for hidden but accessible


View all Lots Page

  • Changed the visibility checkbox into three radio buttons.

  • Allows the user to change the visibility status of multiple lots at once.



  • Lots that are hidden but accessible will no longer appear for users on the permits page or the real-time map.

  • Need to confirm the booking pages do not show lots marked as hidden but accessible, but permit booking is still allowed by direct link.

  • Applies to:

    • QR/Guest booking (this is only relevant to the real-time map, which uses the guest checkout)

    • Temp permit booking

    • Standard permit booking

  • When looking at the permit booking page on the admin-side for a user, hidden lots will still be hidden when using the 'user's default lots' view, as this list represents what the user would see when booking a permit on the user side.

  • Select the 'all lots' option in the menu to view hidden lots, including hidden but accessible lots.