Lot Visibility Settings
Lot visibility has been changed to have three options:
- Hidden - lot is not visible and not available to book permits from
- Visible - lot is visible and can be booked from
- Hidden But Accessible - lot is not visible, but can still be booked from if the user accesses it through a direct link, such as from scanning a QR code
Lot Edit Page
View all Lots Page
Lots that are hidden but accessible will no longer appear for users on the permits page or the real-time map.
Need to confirm the booking pages do not show lots marked as hidden but accessible, but permit booking is still allowed by direct link.
Applies to:
When looking at the permit booking page on the admin-side for a user, hidden lots will still be hidden when using the 'user's default lots' view, as this list represents what the user would see when booking a permit on the user side.
Select the 'all lots' option in the menu to view hidden lots, including hidden but accessible lots.