Push API: Vehicle Create
The OPS-COM Controller provides a simple JSON based API to integrate with. Clients use this API to directly feed vehicles into OPS-COM from other systems.
Make sure you set the HTTP Content-Type header to be application/json.
Making API Requests
Raw Request:
POST /api/OC_TOMA/v1/vehicles/push HTTP/1.1 Host: controller.operationscommander.io Accept: application/json Content-Type: application/json Cache-Control: no-cache { "apiToken": "YOUR-API-TOKEN", "plate": "PL8RDR", "plateType": "Motorcycle", "prov": "MA", "make": "8", "type": "3", "colour": "red", "year": "2011", "vin": "8GKS1AKC7FR518845" } |
JavaScript Request:
var request = new XMLHttpRequest(); request.setRequestHeader( 'Content-Type' , 'application/json' ); request.setRequestHeader( 'Accept' , 'application/json' ); request.onreadystatechange = function () { if ( this .readyState === 4) { console.log( 'Status:' , this .status); console.log( 'Headers:' , this .getAllResponseHeaders()); console.log( 'Body:' , this .responseText); } }; var body = { "apiToken" : "YOUR-API-TOKEN" , "plate" : "PL8RDR" , "plateType" : "Motorcycle" , "prov" : "MA" , "make" : "kia" , "type" : "commercial" , "colour" : "red" , "year" : "2021" , "vin" : "8GKS1AKC7FR518845" } request.send(JSON.stringify(body)); |
Request Object Attributes
Attribute | Type | Limits | Possible Names | Description |
apiToken | String |
50-character alphanumeric including dashes. |
apiToken | (Required) Your supplied API Token. |
plate | String | 50-character alphanumeric. |
plate |
(Required) The license plate. |
plateTypeID | String |
The ID of the VechiclePlateType record. |
plateTypeID | (One of plateTypeID or plateType is required) Your supplied VehiclePlateType identifier. |
plateType | String |
50-character alphanumeric including dashes. |
plateType | (One of plateTypeID or plateType is required) The name of the plate type. |
provID | String |
The ID of the state/province. |
provID | (One of provID or prov is required) Your supplied state or province identifier. |
prov | String |
50-character alphanumeric including dashes |
prov | (One of provID or prov is required) The full name of the state/province or the corresponding postal abbreviation. |
makeID | String |
The ID of the vehicle make. |
makeID | (Optional) Your supplied vehicle make identifier. |
make | String | 50-character alphanumeric including dashes |
make |
(Optional) The name of the vehicle manufacturer. |
typeID | String |
The ID of the vehicle type. |
typeID | (Optional) Your supplied vehicle type identifier. |
type | String |
50-character alphanumeric including dashes |
type | (Optional) The name of the type of vehicle that you provided. |
colourID | String | The ID of the vehicle colour. | colourID | (Optional) Your supplied vehicle colour identifier. |
colour |
String |
50-character alphanumeric including dashes |
colour |
(Optional) The name of a colour that you have provided.. |
year | String |
4 digit year. |
year |
(Optional) The model year. |
vin | String | 25-characters |
vin |
(Optional) The vehicle identification number. |
Successful Response
The response will be a json object.
Content-Type: application/json
{ "status" : "success" , "vehicle_id_id" : "158" , "warnings" :[ "The vehicle colour name was too long and has been truncated." ] } |