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Security PIN on Violations - How is it used

The Ticket PIN

The additional dash and 2 digits at the end of the violations are known as a "Ticket Security PIN".
It may look like it's part of the ticket number, but it's not. It's only used as a password for the ticket when appealing it.

As an example when creating a violation, it appeared as TT-10016-8T The actual internal ticket number is TT-10016-8T, same format as it has always been. If you search violation TT-10016 in violation search it will appear as TT-10016.
Additionally, if someone did type in the ticket number and PIN (TT-10016-8T) it would return the same ticket.

This means the reports in the FTP file, for example, will only reference TT-10016 as the ticket number, not the additional -8T.

Additionally, the code that generates the FTP files isn't going to change/add the pin.

FTP reports will remain unchanged by the addition of the violation PIN. No PIN will be shown in the mailed out the violation.

The PIN is only used when appealing tickets if the user isn't logged in. As an example, you can see the "Lookup your Ticket" box on the login screen here. 
The PIN is used in that box to give some protection from public users just looking up sequential ticket numbers.

Click on the box that says "Lookup your Ticket". You should now see the following screen. Enter in the ticket number and PIN.

Once you click check you will be presented with a screen that allows you to appeal or pay the ticket.
Notice when the record of the ticket is found it does not include the PIN.

Removing the Pin

  1.  If you wish to remove the PIN from the printed ticket, this can be done from the System Settings located under the System Config tab. 

  2. Look for Violations in the list of components on the left:

  3. Click on Violations to view and edit the settings. By default the setting for including a random PIN number to the ticket number when printed is enabled. 
    To remove the PIN, ensure that the Include Random PIN on Handheld Tickets box is toggled off.