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Wait List Report

Getting to the Wait List Report 

In Parking Management, hover over the Permit Management icon and click Waiting Lists followed by Wait List Report.

Waitlist Report

The Waiting List Report screen displays. Administrators can view/edit details about a user waiting to purchase a permit in a specific lot.


If the record is highlighted in yellow or red, the user currently has a permit in another lot. Administrators can sort the table by clicking on any of the column headings. Keep in mind users can only be on a single waitlist at a time. 

The users profile icon ( ), allows administrators to view/edit the user's profile.

This is also the link that administrators would use if they wanted to sell a permit to the user that is on the waiting list (Click the User Profile icon and click the Parking Tab).

Exporting the Waitlist to Excel 

The Export to Excel button exports the table as an Excel spreadsheet.