Appealing Parking Violations
Quick Step List
Appealing a Parking Violation:
Log in
to your profileand click the Appealstabtab.on -
navigation bar. A screen is displayed that shows all parking violations registered to that account. You may search for existing plates or tickets that have violations usingUse the Search
Plate ormy Tickettextfieldfield.toIffind -
a certain time frame, you can request an appeal.Click
the Violation number. This brings you tothe ViolationFor Ticket: #numberwindow.. -
Type inEnter your reason for appeal in the Reason for Appeal textboxbox. -
Click Submit Appeal.
Wait for email confirmation and a follow-up decision.
Appealing a Ticket for a Vehicle Owned by Someone Else:
Log in and click the Appeals tab.
Click on Lookup All Tickets then search for the violation using the Search Plate or Ticket field.
Click Request Appeal.
Confirm vehicle association by clicking Associate.
Click Request Appeal again to complete the process.
Note: Once associated, the vehicle will be linked to your profile.
Step-by-Step Instructions
To appeal a parking violation, follow these steps:
Log in to your profile and click on the Appeals tab in the navigation bar. This will show you all parking violations linked to your account
You can search for a specific violation using the Search my Tickets field to find the ticket number you want to appeal.
If the violation is within the allowable time frame for an appeal, click the Violation number to open the Violation For Ticket: # window.
In the Reason for Appeal text box, type in the reason for your appeal.
Click Submit Appeal to
finish.complete the process. If you have a valid email address on file, you will receiveaanmessageemailexplainingconfirming that your appeal has been submitted.Following - The appeal will be
reviewedreviewed, and you will receive another email with the decisionoffrom the AppealsOfficerOfficer.will be sent to you in an additional email. -
If you wish toTo view the details of your appealinformationaftersubmitting it, you cansubmission, click Show Appeal Information.toThisdowillso.display:-
followingendinformationuser'swillreasonbefordisplayed:the appealThe end users appeal reason-
The Administrator's response
Appealing a Ticket for a Vehicle Owned by Someone Else
OPS-COMIfallowsyoua userneed to appeala ticket that belongs to someone else. This would apply if for example a user receivesa ticket for a vehiclethey have borrowed.IMPORTANT NOTE: This process will associate the vehicle in question with the user making the appeal. By doing so the user making the appeal will then see any subsequent violations for this vehicle.The processthat issimilarownedtobythesomeoneappealelseprocess(e.g.,above.a borrowed vehicle), follow these steps:-
Log in to your profile and click on the Appeals tab.
Search -
existing plates or tickets that have violations usingUse the Search Plate or Ticket
find the ticket or plate you want to appeal. -
Click Request Appeal to
beginstart the process. -
A message will
appearappear,warninginformingthe useryou that the vehicle will be associatedtowiththemyourasprofilepartduringof thisthe appeal process. This means that any future violations for this vehicle will be visible to you. -
Click Associate to
continue.proceed. The violations forthatthe associated vehicle will now be listed on the page. -
theRequest Appealbutton repeat the process aboveagain to complete theappeal.appeal
process as described above.
forIMPORTANT:Important Note:-
AsWhennoted, this process willyou associate the vehicle withtheyouruserprofile,makingit will show up under your profile as theappeal.vehicleInbeingthislinkedcaseto you. For example, if Patricia Birch submits an appeal, theuservehiclePatriciawillBirchbesubmittedassociatedthewithappeal.Afterher profile after the appeal ismade, if you were to look at the vehicle tab in her user profile you would now see theMASHvehicle associated to her.made.
Unable to Appeal
If you are past the appeal
date of your violationdeadline or the violation is overdue, you will not beunableable to
appeal the ticket.