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Registering and Editing Vehicles

If you are selling Parking Permits on your User Portal, your clients must register their vehicles to their profile. Users can edit existing vehicles as well as make vehicles active.

Quick Step List:
  1. Register a Vehicle:

    • Log in → Click Vehicles → Click Add New Vehicle → Review disclaimer → Click I Agree → Enter Plate, choose Province/State, add the Year, and Plate Type  → Click Save Changes.
  2. Edit a Vehicle:

    • Click Edit next to the vehicle → Make changes → Click Save.
  3. Activate/Deactivate a Vehicle:

    • Select the Active button on the vehicle to toggle it as active or inactive.
Guide to Registering and Editing Vehicles
Register a Vehicle

To registeradd a vehicle,new loginvehicle to your profile, follow these steps:

  1. Log in to your profile and click on Vehicles.


  2. Click on Add New Vehicle.Vehicle. You will be presented with aA vehicle disclaimer will appear that you mustneed to review before adding a vehicle.continuing. Click I Agree. to proceed.


  3. TheClick on Add New Vehicle. windowHere, you will beneed Aenter plate oreither a VINPlate numberNumber is

      If you enter a VIN number only, the VIN number will be used as a replacement for the plate. You must also choose
    • Choose the correct Province/State and the Plate Type.Type For(usually Passenger for most usersusers).
    • this


  4. Click Save Changes.Changes to complete the registration.


  5. The listVehicles ofpage will display your newly registered vehicle. You can add more vehicles willif beneeded.

  6. on
Edit a Vehicle

To update a vehicle’s information:

  1. Go to the Vehicles Inand this examplefind the user has 1 vehicle onyou their profile with the abilitywant to addedit.
  2. more. 


    Edit a Vehicle

    If you need to edit any of the information, click

  3. Click Edit. beside the vehicle’s details.
  4. The Editing Vehicle Information window will appear.  Make yourany changesnecessary andchanges.
  5. click
  6. Click Save.Save



    apply the updates.

Activate/Deactivate a Vehicle

YouIf canyou alsoneed to deactivate a vehicle:

  1. On the Vehicles page, find the vehicle onyou yourwant Todeactivate.
  2. do
  3. Click this,the select Active inbutton, toggle the drop down list.


    Removing a Vehicle

    You can remove a vehicle by clicking Remove in yellow. Cannot remove vehicle with active permit.


    Associating a Plate to a User

    If there is a plate in the system that you wish to associate to your user profile, you can add the name of the plate followed by Save Changes. This will bring up a dialogue in the same window allowing you to Associate the plate to your profile. 


    The Optional VIN Number

    One piece of information that can be optional in OPS-COM as a requirement is the VINstatus (Vehicle Identification Number).
    The VIN number is typically 17 characters long. 
    This field can be toggled onActive or offInactive).

  4. in system settings.
