Bulk Email Users
LocateQuick theSteps:
Email Presets
Hover over User Management and clickClick Email Users.
Choose a User Group.
Select recipient filters in the group you want to email or click More to access additional preset options.
The Email Message Menu.
displays. In this interface you can choose the conditions or filters that you wish to apply to the recipents.For example if I simply select User Type Group of Staff then all staff members will get the resulting email.If I were to select a User Type Group of Staff, as well as Has Violations, as well as Company Staff Lot, then the email group would be a smaller subsection with Staff Members that also Has Violations and park in the Company Staff Lot and so on.

Sending an Email
After you have chosen your preset recipient list, the Compose Email Message screen will display. In our example we have set the criteria such that we have 26 recipents.

Click the View Email Recipient List button to confirmverify yourecipients.
areCompose sendingyour the email to the appropriate users.

Type a Subject and a Message. You can alsoemail, add attachments byif clickingneeded.
the Choose File button. When you have finished composing your email, click theClick Send Email Message.
button.Confirm Aby dialog box will open asking you to confirm you are sending the email. Clickclicking Yes.
Wait for the confirmation message Mailthat messageyour email has been queuedqueued.
for delivery will display.