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Vehicle DNTT

Quick Steps:
  1. Hover over User Management then click on User Search.
  2. Search for a user then click on their Username to get to the User Profile page.
  3. Click on the Vehicles tab.
  4. Click Add DNTT.
  5. Set From Date and To Date.
  6. (Optional) Add a location.
  7. Add a note.
  8. To modify or delete DNTT: Go back to the Vehicles tab and click Edit DNTT. Here you can either click on Modify or Delete.
  9. To view DNTT reports: Hover over User Management then Vehicles and click Vehicle DNTT Report.
  10. Enter date range and Number of Instances, then click Search.
  11. Click Username for user details, Plate for vehicle info, and # of Instances for DNTT history.