Duplicate Vehicle Handling
WhatQuick Steps:
- Ensure you include License Plate, Province / State, and Plate Type.
- Double-check Plate Details:
- Confirm that plate numbers are
Duplicateentered Vehicles?
correctly, - Confirm that plate numbers are
Vehiclesespecially infor OPS-COMcommercial areand uniquepassenger vehicles.
- Include Vehicle Colour, Vehicle Make, Vehicle Model, and Vehicle Year to improve identification.
- The system will flag potential duplicates based on
plate,theplatedetailstype,youandenter,state/province.soOften,payduplicatesattentioncantoappearthese alerts.
- Merge any duplicate vehicles identified in the system due to
the plate typeincorrect orlocationmismatchedbeing recorded incorrectly . Duplicates can create headaches since two similar vehicles may generate duplicate entries when really they are the same vehicle.Some scenarios that might require a vehicle merge are:Duplicate vehicles created in the system due to mismatching vehicle informationIncorrect plate reads or plate numbers that were manually entered with an errorCorrecting orphaned vehiclesCorrecting orphaned violationsinformation.
Unique Vehicle IdentifiersThere are three items which create a unique identifier for a vehicle.Licence PlateProvince / StatePlate Type
These three pieces of information are the minimum information you can include when entering a vehicle. For example: One might think that the plate number and state origin of the plate would be enough to make the vehicle unique in the system however this does not take into account the fact that a commercial plate number might repeat the same number sequence as a regular passenger vehicle plate. It is possible to have ABC123 as a passenger plate as well as ABC123 being used on a commercial plate. All three of these unique identifiers are required when inputting a vehicle in the system.Entering VehiclesThe more information you supply when adding a vehicle the better the chance the system will work efficiently and warn you when you are adding a vehicle more than once.The best way to ensure easy identification of specific vehicles is to also include the following information:Vehicle ColourVehicle MakeVehicle ModelVehicle Year