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Forms Admin

The Forms options allow users to communicate with the organization about special requests.

Please note: The Forms module has been refactored, and has new functionality. New Forms are only operational on the OPS-COM app. Existing form data is not compatible with the new format, which means any old forms will need to be recreated in the new form format.

Quick Steps:
  1. Hover over the User Management icon then List Forms - New.
  2. ClickOn eitherthe List Forms topage you can view or edit existing forms or +Add Form to create a new form.

Make sure admins have Edit Forms and View Forms permissions enabled.

Step-by-Step Instructions:
  1. Hover over the User Management icon then List Forms - New. This will show the new Forms module.
  2. You will now have two options:
    • ListEdit FormsForm: ThisIn will show athe list of all the forms you have created, along withclick the entriesEdit for each form.icon.
    • Add Form: This allows you to create new forms for your users.