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Midnight List (Lockers)


Quick Steps:
  1. Hover over theLocker LockersManagement icon and click 'Midnight List.'
  2. Review


    2. Thethe search resultsresults. are

      displayed below.



    • Click Username link will allow administrators to view/edit the user profile.

    • The

    • Click Locker Number link will allow administrators to view/edit detailslocker aboutdetails.
    • that

  3. 3. If there are records showing that you do not want to be removed from the system at midnight, disable the checkbox under

  4. Uncheck 'Release at Midnight' if needed and click the 'Update Selection to be Cleared'.
  5. button.

Step-by-Step Instructions:
  1. Access the Midnight List: Hover over the Locker Management icon. Click on Midnight List from the dropdown menu.
  2. View Search Results: The search results will appear below the list.
  3. Username Button: Click on this to view or edit the user profile.
  4. Locker Number button: Click on this to view or edit the details of the locker.
  5. Prevent Midnight Removal (if needed): If there are records that should not be removed at midnight, uncheck the box under Release at Midnight. Click the Update Selection to be Cleared button to save your changes.