🔒Locker Management
Locker Search
The Locker Search option allows administrators to search locker(s) to be able to view/edit detail...
Locker Switch
The Locker Switch option allows administrators to change the locker that is associated with a par...
Awaiting Payment (Lockers)
This article shows admins how to manage and communicate with users who have pending payments for ...
Allocate Lockers
This guide walks you through the process of allocating lockers, adding buildings, areas, and lock...
Midnight List (Lockers)
The Midnight List is a list of lockers due to be cleared out of the system at midnight. These loc...
Locker Troubleshooting
Basic test for checking if the locker availability is set correctly when using Locker UserTypes.
Locker User Types
Locker User Types You must create the Locker User types you wish to use in OPS-COM. To do so Hov...
Locker Sales Windows
Quick Steps: Hover over Locker Management and click Sales Window. Click Add Sale Window to...
Non Returning Users Report
At the end of a semester, students are required to re-rent a locker. This report helps find stude...