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Payment Management (Subscriptions)

ManagingUsers Creditcan Cardsmanage multiple credit cards on their accounts through OPS-COM portal. Only one card may be set as primary. Admins can also add credit card details to a user profile.

Quick Steps:
  1. Search and select the User Profile.

  2. Using the Profile dropdown, click Manage Payment Methods.

  3. To add a payment method click Add New Payment Method under Payment Subscription Options. 
  4. To use a payment type for recurring payments or to be auto-charged for Permit Rollovers, click the drop down and chose the payment type from the dropdown under Permit Rollover Subscription and then click Save.

  5. You will see a popup indicating that your permit rollover subscription has been updated.

Step by step instructions:
  1. Search for the User:

    • Use the Quick Search or User Search functions to locate the user thatwhose credit card you want to managemanage.

    • credit
    • card for and select

      Select the userUser to get toaccess their profile

  2. image.pngAccess Manage Payment Methods:

    • Hover overUse the Profile menu anddropdown clickto choose CreditManage CardsPayment Methods.

  3. image.pngAdd a Payment Method:

    • The Credit Card utility will display. The admin can fillFill out the cardPayment informationSubscription Method on the right,right andside clickof the screen.

    • Click Add CreditPayment CardMethod button to register the credit card in the system.

  4. NoteAdd Permit Rollover Subscription:

    • Choose the Payment Method from the dropdown list under Permit Rollover Subscription on left side of screen.

    • Click Save.

    • The Payment Method added here will now be used for any recurring payments and can be used to auto-charge for Permit Rollovers and Subscriptions.

Designate the credit card as the default or Prime Card to allow the rollover process to automatically use this card for recurring permit payments. 

