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Planning Lot Groups and Lot Zones

OverviewQuick Steps:
  1. image.png

    Using Groups

     A lot may only belong to one group and there are no parameters around validity beyond the grouping.

    An example of using a group might be a physical parking lot that is chopped up into virtual smaller lots.  Consider we have a huge parking lot that we don't want to put physical barriers into and the lot can accommodate 100 staff and 500 students.

    In summary, one big physical lot with 600 parking stalls:

    • Virtual lot #1: Red staff - 100 permits
    • Virtual lot #2: Red student - 500 permits

    When we are doing enforcement, if we select either of these lots we will get misses or "valid permit but wrong lot" type messages.  This will slow down enforcement and is unusable in a automatic chalking scenario.  We want to be able to group these lots so that anyone parked in this large area with a valid permit in the listed lots, is seen as valid.  We'll call the group "RED Group".  

    We can call the group whatever we want, it is just a way to link lots as a textual category.

    Create a Lot Group



    • Type the group designationname is(e.g., easy,"RED asGroup").
    • we just type
    • Select the wordslots asto seenadd here...




    • Once

    • Done! theNo texttime-based hasrules beenare recorded, the next one (here we see the Red Staff lot) prompts with text that is alreadyapplied in the database.

  2. image.png

    That's it.  Now we have our Red lots grouped on the system.

    Notice that grouping is justCreate a very simple way to group lots, there is no validation around day or time.  It allows an enforcement patrol to select the group of lots that they are patrolling.

    There is definite similarity to Groups and Zones.  Groups are a simple grouping mechanism, while Zones offer more flexibility.

    Please Note:Zone:

    • groups and zones are free text and not bound by the items they group
    • a lot can only be a member of one group
    • a lot can have many zones
    • grouping is a methodGo to track similar lots

    Enforcement allows the selection of: lot group, specific lot, zone or a mix of lot group and zone designation

    Visual: Adding Groups to a Lot


    Using Zones

    • Generally use is tied directly to enforcement and the handhelds
    • A lot may belong to many zones
    • Different zones can supply different time/date validation parameters (ie. after-4pm, day care, weekend, evenings,...)
    • Zones are not required and are unnecessary if a permit is valid all day every day with no other validation requirement

    It is important to keep in mind that zones are useful to designate times and days and/or a date range when a zone is valid; or really when a lot is valid in a zone.

    When creating a lot, the administrator can specify what zones a permit is valid in.

     Please note that permits must have one, and only one lot.

    This discussion refers to permits and lots interchangeably, but keep in mind that a 'parker' owns a permit, not a lot.  Therefore when a lot has a zone, it implies that a permit has a zone since a permit is one of many entities within a lot.

    Zones allow us to solve a complex issue such as:

    • Different zones can supply different time/date validation parameters (ie. after-4pm, day care, weekend, evenings,...)
    • Zones are not required and are unnecessary if a permit is valid all day every day with no other validation requirement


    • Permit #1234 belongs to the Green Lot (we'll call these users Green Parkers)
    • Green Parkers can park in the Green Lot any day of the week
    • Green Parkers may also park in the Red Lot on Fridays

    So we could create a zone and understand that it refers to the Red Lot .

     We can call this the "RED Zone" to allow admins, patrols, etc. to connect its use to the Red lot.

    We can add the "RED Zone" to the Green Lot's zones through the lot admin tool.

  3. We
  4. Add a zone (e.g., "RED Zone") to the lot.
  5. Set the valid days/times for the zone (e.g., Fridays).
  6. Done! The lot is now linked to the zone.
  7. Assign Zones to Multiple Lots:

    • You can also specifyassign the days,same datezone rangeto multiple lots (e.g., “RED Zone” to both the Red Lot and Green Lot).
    • Specify when each lot’s zone is valid.
  8. Enforcement:

    • Patrols can select either a Lot Group or timeLot whenZone Greenduring Parkersenforcement.
    • can
    • Zones useallow thisenforcement zone.based on time/dates, and groups allow enforcement across multiple lots.

Visuals for Reference:

  • See Zone

the system screenshots for easy understanding of where to add groups and zones to lots.

AtKey thisPoints:

  • Lot GreenGroups: LotGroup haslots for general organization; no zones.time/date Thisrules.
  • is
  • Lot completelyZones: validDefine sincespecific thetime/date rules for parking permits.
  • A lot would simply fall under a "Any zone" type designation. 

    On the handheld during enforcement, there is no requirement to select a zone, as "Any Zone" can be selected.  Perhaps validation is at the specific lot or lot group level, with no concern around zoning.

    Now since we want users to be able to park in themany "Red Zone" on Fridays, let's add it to the zone list.



    So for completeness, we should also add the "RED Zone" to the Red lot, and select that anyone in that zone can park any day all day.

    Remember the name "RED Zone" has no real connection other than the word "RED" to the Red lot.


    We also have a RED staff lot, so we should add the zone to that lot as well.


    In Summary

    • users with RED permits (Student and Staff) are allowed to park in the "RED Zone" any day of the week all day 
    • Green Staff permit holders can also park in the "RED Zone"zones, but only onone Fridaysgroup.
    • Enforcement can select specific lots, groups, or zones for validation.

    Visual: Adding Zones to a Lot


    Supporting Zones in Other Lots

    Lot 5Support a zone in other lots but not in the current lot.


    This configuration shows Lot 5 supports the zone elsewhere and not in this lot. 

    This stops Lot 6 permit holders from having access to Lot 5 due to zone configuration.

    Lot6Support a zone that is linked with another lot.


    Since Lot 5 supports "Day Care", Lot 5 permit holders can park in this lot on evenings and weekends.

    Usage During Enforcement

    Group Selection on the Handheld


    Zone Selection on The Handheld


    Enforcement on the Handheld
