User - Parking Tab
Quick Steps:
- Click on the
'Parking'User Management tab and click User Search.
- Search for the user using either a name, username, email
tab.or account number.
- Click on that user's
'Standardusername Parkingto Permit'enter that user's Profile Page.
ChooseClick lot, check availability, and register the permit.
Confirm and purchase the permit.
Print the permit fromon the 'History'Parking
Purchasing a standard permit: Click on Standard
Temporary Parking Permit:Permit.
- Here you can edit the permit number and permit cost.
- Click on Purchase this Permit and proceed to payment.
- Purchasing a temp permit: Click 'Temporary Parking Permit'.
- Select lot, dates, and permit type.
- Confirm permit details and purchase.
Print the permit from the 'History' tab.
Associate an Access Card:
Click 'Associate an Access Card with this User'.
Review or adjust card details.
Switch or create new cards as necessary.