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Using Tax Exemption

Adding a Tax ExemptExemption ID


Searchare forsupported in the OPS-COM system.  If a user and edit their profile. The Tax Exemption field is located on the User Profile screen and can contain alpha-numeric characters.  New user profiles will also have this field.


Note, Tax Exemption Code is included for viewing on the Basic Profile Info window for the User Profile.


When purchasing a permit with a user that has a tax exemption code on their profile, taxes will not be showncharged when they purchase items such as permits, violations and lockers.

Quick Steps:
  1. Search for and select the User Profile.

  2. Under Profile>Edit Profile Information, add or update the Tax Exemption Code field on the Edit User Profile screen.

  3. Click Submit Profile Information and then Confirm Information Correct buttons.
  4. Verify the code is correct in the Profile Overview window.

  5. Ensure tax-exempt transactions do not display taxes on the payment page.

  6. Run and export the Tax Exemption Report from the Payments menu as needed.

Step by Step Instructions:   
  1. Search for the User:

    • Use the Quick Search or User Search functions to locate the user profile you want to edit.

  2. Edit the Profile:

    • Open the User Profile and under Edit Profile Information locate the Tax Exemption Code field.

    • This field supports alphanumeric characters and is present on both new and existing profiles.

  3. View Tax Exemption Code:

    • The Tax Exemption Code is displayed in the **Profile Overview **window for easy reference.

  4. Tax-Free Transactions:

    • When purchasing a permit for a user with a tax exemption code, taxes will not appear as a line item ofon the payment or confirmation page. 

  5. image.pngTax Exemption Report:

    • There is a tax exemption report that can be run underGenerate the PaymentsTax menu.Exemption You can choose to copy or export the recordsReport from the Payments menu.

    • This report whichincludes containsthree 3 fields,fields: First Name, Last Name, and Tax Exemption Code. 

    • image.pngYou can copy or export the report records for further use.