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Configuration Checklist

Some System Configuration that Must be Done

For more details on system settings please see

System settings:

  • Check General System Settings to ensure Date and Time settings are correct for your location
  • Check Lockers settings to set Tax rate, upload a locker map, and set a Receipt Reply To Address
  • Check Payments if EFT (Electronic Funds Transfer) is configured
  •  Check Permits to ensure it is configured correctly:
    • Enter a Receipt Reply To Address
    • Upload a permit map
    • If using the Managed Waitlist, configure the Waitlist Email Managers, as well as the Waitlist Reservation Duration
  • Check Violations to configure the following:
    • Days until violation payment is due
    • Number of days to appeal violation before the option to appeal is removed

Classic System Settings:

  • Check System Identification settings
    • System Name
    • Reply-to Admin Email Address 
    • Reply-to Security Email Address
    • Mailing Address
    • Safety Address
    • Permit Tax %
    • Temp Permit Tax %

Template Design

OPS-COM offers powerful flexibility to allow your team to customize the look and feel of your User Portal system. This is done by designing the site template.
You will require your graphics and any messaging you would like to see on the pages. 

Uploading Images for Use in Templates

  • In order to place images in the different templates, you must upload them to the File Manager. Please refer to this wiki article for more information
  • Upload background images for landing page
  • Upload your company Logo
  • Upload your parking map

Once you have your graphics uploaded:

Setting up the Look and Feel of the User Portal

  • Setting up the common header
  • Setting up the common footer
  • Optional use of content header and footer

System Messaging

  • Set up your Vehicle Disclaimer
  • Set up your Permit Disclaimer

Email Template Setup

  • Appeal Submitted by user
  • Lost Password
  • Invoice
  • User Receipt
  • Waitlist Selected

User Setup

  • Determine what User Types are required
  • Determine what fields of the user profile are required, optional or hidden

System Setup

  • You will need to set up the Vehicle description information
  • Are there any vehicle types missing?

You will also need to set up your locations.

  • Determine what locations you wish to use as descriptors for enforcement

ParkAdmin Setup

  • Create Lots
  • Create and designate Lot Groups and Zones
  • Permits type: Monthly, Daily or Temp

ViolationAdmin Setup

  • Create Offence Categories
  • Populate the offence types
  • Configure days to pay and overdue time frame

Proof and order your Violations stock

  • Your Account Executive will be in contact to ensure you are getting the correct tickets and that you approve the design 
  • If you are sourcing your own Violation stock, please ensure you allow yourself 4-6 weeks to have them printed and shipped to you

Set up your Handhelds and Printers

If you have purchased the hardware through the OPS-COM team, we will ship them directly to you with the software pre-loaded and the printers paired. If you have sourced them yourself, you will need to follow the instructions in the wiki articles to complete the setup of your Android handheld units. You will also need to use the instructions in the wiki articles below to set up and pair your printers.

  • Setting Up your Handheld Units for the First Time
  • Setting your Android for Auto-Updates
  • Ticket Creation Settings
  • Setting up your Ticket Footer

Printer Setup

Your Training Coordinator will go through using the handhelds but it is beneficial to work through the Android Handheld Wiki to make the training more meaningful for you.
In particular, it is important to familiarize yourself with the Best Practices for OPS-COM Android wiki article.