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Set Up Your Device for OPS-COM

  1. Install "OPS-COM Parking Enforcement" from the Google Play Store.
    • app_play_store_v1.jpg
  2. On a computer, log in to your OPS-COM admin website. Navigate to ViolationsHandheld Devices.
    • adding_device_1.jpg
  3. Click "Add New Device". Open the app to find the UUID on the login screen; set Device Name to be whatever you choose; leave everything else as default. Click "Add Device".
    • adding_device_2.jpg
  4. Finally, you'll need to uninstall and reinstall "OPS-COM Parking Enforcement". After that, you are good to go! Log in to the app using the same credentials you use for the admin website to start enforcing.
  5. Need help with anything? Send an email to and our team will be happy to assist you.