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Form 11 Shortcodes


When issuing a Form 11, there are a number of shortcodes that can be placed in the template to auto-fill values relating to the violation.

The base short code is formatted like:

  • [values show=violation._____]

The blank value must be filled with a value to pull from the violation info.

For each nested value in the data packet, the packet name must be added as part of the variable name, each part separated by a period, with the variable to be output by the shortcode as the final part of the variable.

The packet itself is called by 'violation', and the name must be placed at the start of any value call.

Violation Packet

The violation info packet is formatted like this example.

The values on the left are the variable names, the values on the right are the example values returned by this packet.

    "ViolationID": 237,
    "SemPermitID": null,
    "Ticket": "TT-19026",
    "VehicleID": 5,
    "Spoiled": 0,
    "TicketType": 1,
    "Issued": "2024-07-17 16:11:00",
    "convNotice": null,
    "Due": "2024-07-27 16:11:00",
    "ViolationTypeID": -1,
    "Fine": "50.0000",
    "AdjustedFine": "20.0000",
    "Towing": "0.0000",
    "taxAmount": "0.0000",
    "Writer": 7,
    "LocationID": 10,
    "Comment": null,
    "TicketAppeal": null,
    "appealType": 0,
    "appealFormat": null,
    "AccessAdminID": 50,
    "ActionedPer": null,
    "Created": "2024-07-17 20:12:08",
    "AppealUserID": 0,
    "AppealProcessDate": null,
    "AppealAdminID": 0,
    "AppealComment": null,
    "AppealAdminComment": null,
    "AutoNotice": 0,
    "ProcessedByCollection": null,
    "SentToCollections": null,
    "PrivateComments": "",
    "DriveAway": 0,
    "UUID": null,
    "VioNotice": null,
    "latitude": null,
    "longitude": null,
    "Warning": null,
    "userid": null,
    "incidentID": null,
    "failToIdentify": null,
    "pin": "YL",
    "duplicate": null,
    "AdjustmentReason": null,
    "notices_count": 1,
    "user_info": {
            "UserID": 5,
            "studentNo": null,
            "employNo": "00800147",
            "username": "mashbury",
            "firstName": "Michael",
            "preferredname": null,
            "lastName": "Ashbury",
            "street": "688 Zaproxy Ridge",
            "city": "East Romaineburgh",
            "prov": 9,
            "postal": "K2G5B1",
            "email": "",
            "display_name": "Michael Ashbury",
            "account_no": "00800147",
            "prov_name": "Ontario",
    "writer": {
            "AdminAccessID": 7,
            "Username": "admin",
            "DisplayName": "Administrator"
    "vehicle": {
            "VehicleID": 5,
            "Active": 1,
            "Plate": "MASH",
            "Year": 1998,
            "TotalVio": 12,
            "TotalUnpaid": 2,
            "TotalWarning": 0,
            "vehicleAlert": true,
            "vin": "JNAMA43H9XGE50339",
            "electric_vehicle": false,
            "province": {
                    "ProvName": "West Virginia",
                    "ProvCode": "WV",

            "make": {
                  "MakeName": "Toyota"
            "colour": {
                  "ColourName": "Black"
            "plate_type": {
                  "TypeName": " Passenger"
            "vehicle_type": {
                  "TypeName": " Van"
    "location": {
            "LocationID": 10,
            "LocationName": "Hospital & Administration Building",
    "details": {
            "ViolationsDetailID": 359,
            "ViolationID": 237,
            "Ticket": "TT-19026",
            "ViolationTypeID": 16,
            "LocationID": 10,
            "offenceFine": 50,
            "discountFlag": 1,
            "discountAmount": 20,
            "discountHours": 240,
            "type": {
                    "ViolationTypeID": 16,
                    "ViolationDescr": "No Parking Snow Route - Mandatory Towing",
                    "DefaultCost": 50,
                    "discountFlag": true,
                    "discountAmount": 20,
                    "discountHours": 240,


An example shortcode is provided for each section. To return a specific value in the same section, replace the provided variable name with the sibling value wanted for output.

Example Shortcode

[values show=violation.Ticket]

Returns the violation ticket number.
[values show=violation.user_info.username] Returns the username of the user the violation belongs to.
[values show=violation.writer.DisplayName] Returns the display name of the admin who assigned the violation to the user.
[values show=violation.vehicle.Plate] Returns the plate of the vehicle the violation was assigned to, if applicable.
[values show=violation.vehicle.province.ProvName] Returns the province or state of the vehicle plate.
[values show=violation.vehicle.colour.ColourName] Returns the colour of the vehicle.
[values show=violation.vehicle.plate_type.TypeName] Returns the plate type of the vehicle.
[values show=violation.vehicle.make.vehicle_type.TypeName] Returns the type of the vehicle.
[values show=violation.vehicle.make.MakeName] Returns the make of the vehicle.
[values show=violation.location.LocationName] Returns the name of the location the infraction happened.
[values show=violation.details.0.Ticket] Returns the violation ticket number. Alternate value location.
[values show=violation.details.0.type.ViolationDescr] Returns the violation type description.