Shortcodes - What are they?
Shortcodes are small bits of code that allow you to do various things with little effort. They allow you to implement functionality that would normally require complicated code to use.
Shortcodes are tied to predefined elements and can be used throughout the system with minimal effort.
Articles detailing different shortcodes available for use are located here.
System_code Shortcode
Special System_Code Shortcode The system_code is the most common short code used on the OPS-COM ...
User Information Shortcodes
Shortcodes Shortcodes used to display user information. Keep in mind that the shortcode descrip...
User_card Shortcode
How to use the Shortcode To use the User_card shortcode simply add [user_card] anywhere to the c...
Lot Information Shortcode
Lot Information Display This shortcode can be used anywhere on the site. It does not need to be ...
PermitTempPdf and Conditional Shortcode
PermitTempPdf Shortcode The use of permittemppdf is fairly straight forward. The shortcode has ...
Form 11 Shortcodes
Information When issuing a Form 11, there are a number of shortcodes that can be placed in the t...