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User Departments

Managing User Departments

Click Admin OptionsUsers followed by Manage User Departments.


The Manage User Departments page displays with all of the available choices. 


Adding User Departments

To add a new user department click Add User Department and complete the required field followed by Save Changes


Editing User Departments

To edit user departments click the Edit button next to the department you wish to make updates to. This will open a new modal window allowing you to change the existing name of that item. 


Deleting User Departments

To delete departments simply click the Delete button next to the make you wish to remove from the list. A modal window will appear asking you if you are sure you wish to delete this user department. 


In order to delete a user department it must not be used in the system. Admins will first need to make sure that no users are using this department before it can be removed. This is to prevent profiles from having blank information by deleting these departments while they're in use. 


Please view the following video.