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What Does Purge Old Data Do?

Under the Admin Options menu, click on "Purge Old Data".


When you click on 'Purge Old Data', a progress bar will appear indicating the number of records to be purged as it finds them.


A list is formulated of any user activity, and any associated record updates that have occurred in the last seven years. 

To complete the process, click on Purge these records.


A record can remain dormant for 6 years and a small update will restart the 7-year clock.
The activity list is used to determine what to exclude from a purge. The script then purges any data that is not on the activity list.

What gets purged?

The following will get purged if there has been no activity in the last 7 years:

  • User profiles
  • Vehicles
  • Violations
  • Permits
  • Appeals
  • Temp Permits
  • Payments
  • Lockers
  • Access Cards
  • Gate Events
  • Refunds
  • Waitlist Records
  • User History


The following will NOT get purged regardless of the last updated date:

  • Incident Users
  • Contact History