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472 total results found

History Search

Administrators Admin Options

Performing a History Search Click Admin Options and History Search. The History Dump page will be displayed. You can search by typing in any Student/Employee Number, Violation Ticket... History Description or a combination of the three. In this exa...

What Does Purge Old Data Do?

Administrators Admin Options

Under the Admin Options menu, click on "Purge Old Data". When you click on 'Purge Old Data', a progress bar will appear indicating the number of records to be purged as it finds them. A list is formulated of any user activity, and any associated record u...

Purging Incidents from OPS-COM

Administrators Admin Options

 You must add the "Delete Incidents" permission to the Admins you want to give this ability to. There are two ways to purge selected Incidents: either by searching for a particular incident and clicking the "Delete Incident" button or by using the "Purge In...

Deposit Options

Administrators Admin Options

Navigating to Deposits To get to the Manage Deposits page: Select the Admin Options icon Select the Manage Deposit Types option Select Manage Deposit Type from the drop-down menu (Currently, this menu item cannot be accessed from any pages that are st...

View System Task Logs

Administrators Admin Options

Viewing the Logs To view System Task Logs, go to 'Admin Options' then click on 'View System Task Logs'  You will be redirected to this page. This is where you can see the System Task Logs. There are two sections to the page which are recurring tasks and si...

Plate and Vehicle Alarms

Administrators Alarms

Setting up the Proper Account Settings to View Alarms First we will need to get to Manage Administration Roles so that we can manage how our admins can view alarms on the system.  From here we can go into the Role we wish to manage and under the Dispatch s...

Reports Overview


Report Title When do we use this? Parking Reports  Permit Sales by Lot By Month The 'Permit Sales by Lot by Month' report displays the lots, payment types, amount of sales processed and the number of permits sold based on a particular...

People Alarms

Administrators Alarms

Setting up Alarm Permissions  Before admins can use alarms in the system they will need to have the proper dispatch permissions added to their administrative role.  Select the permissions you wish to add to the role and click Save Permissions at the bottom...

Generic Alarms

Administrators Alarms

Setting up Alarm Permissions  Before Admins can use alarms in the system they will need to have the proper dispatch permissions added to their administrative role.  Select the permissions you wish to add to the role and click Save Permissions at the bottom...

Retrieving Uploaded Files


Where to Manage Uploaded Files Admins can view files uploaded by specific users by going into their profiles from the admin-side and looking for the Uploaded Files section of the users dashboard. Only users can upload files, so admins will need to login as th...

Active Vehicle Report


Accessing the Report To view the report go into the User Managent menu and hover over Vehicles and select Active Vehicles Report from the dropdown list. The report will automatically run and supply a list of user that have at least 2 more active vehicles t...

Athletics Module


Accessing the Athletics Module The athletics module is a stand-alone module that has its own specific URL. It is not found in any of the typical menus. To access the module, use your typical admin portal URL, but instead of using /admin, use the following UR...

Resetting an Administrators Password


Ressetting a Forgotten Admin Password From the Admin Login page click on Forgot your Username or Password to begin the process. You will be prompted to enter your valid email address. This address must match the currently one that exists on the Admin use...

Public-Facing Lot Pages


Overview Within the system, there is the option to create a custom lots page, which will display a list of lots that users can book from. The page consists of two subpages: Lots List - Contains the list of lots on the system for the user to choose from ...

LPR Camera Information

LPR Cameras

What is LPR?

Configure LPR Camera

LPR Cameras

Connecting Wirelessly The first step is to connect to your PL8RDR device via wireless connection. To do so bring up your systems Network Settings by following the steps below. Click on the Windows Home Button and start typing Control Panel.  It should pop up...

Powering Mobile LPR Camera

LPR Cameras Tattile Cameras

Standard Hardware There are several pieces of gear that comprise the OPS-COM LPR system. A typical system includes the following items: 2-Tattile Mobile LPR Cameras with one connector cable per camera 1-PL8RDR Device 4G/LTE  1-4G/LTE Tablet ...

Connect to a Tattile Mobile Camera

LPR Cameras Tattile Cameras

First Time Connection Power up the camera and give it a few minutes to fully boot up. At that point you will see the camera in your network connections list.Note the network name reflects the serial number of the camera In this case ANPR-2010011339Click conn...

ANPR Setup Checklist -Tattile

LPR Cameras Tattile Cameras

Initial Setup Wired Wireless Port SSID: Anpr-###### 1080 or8081 Initial Access to the Camera Yet another setup trick is to login to the device initially using WIFI.  Th...

ANPR Tattile Camera Screenshots

LPR Cameras Tattile Cameras

                          JPEG File 2017-08-17_9-21-50.jpg Aug 17, 2017 by Robin Mulloy   JPEG File 2017...