Allocate Lockers
Quick Steps:
- Hover over
theLockers Managementiconand selectAllocate.Allocate. - Add
aTheManage Locker Numberspage is displayed. When doing your initial configuration, you must startbuilding byaddingclickingBuildingsto this list.Adding BuildingsClick onto begin the process.TheBuilding Informationscreen will appear. Enter theBuilding Nameprovidesavinganychanges. - After
information. ClickSave Changesto continue.Adding Building AreasOnce theBuildingis added to your list you may then addadding a building, clickBuilding Area. Click ontofillcontinue.Completeout theform:Enter anArea Name, aDescriptionform, andthensave. - Click
Locker+User Typesyou wish to allow permission to rent lockers in this building area.Select theSales Windowtype for this particularBuilding Area. You may chooseYearly, Monthly, SemesterorOther.Click onSave Changesto continue.Adding Lockers to a Building AreaYou may now beginto add lockers to thenewlyarea.createdUseBuilding Area.Click on the+symbol to access theAddSpecific LockerTo Areascreen.TheAdd Lockers To Areascreen opens.There are multiple options in this tool:You may selectSpecific Lockerswhere you can add a single locker number inalphanumericformatormultiple locker numbers separated by a line return.You may also add lockers byLocker Range - Confirm additionAandconfirmation screen will appear.Note that in our scenario, all the lockers we created either throughSpecific LockerorLocker Rangemethods are now being created in this Building Area.ClickAdd Lockersto continue.You will be taken backreturn to the Manage Locker Numbers screen. - To view
thelockers,entire list of lockers for the new area we have added Click onclick the Magnifying Glass Icon. - To remove
lockerslockers,from a Building Area. They can be either toggled off for visibility or they may also be archived.To archive a locker Click onuse the Trash BinIcon.IconThere are two choices here. ArchiveAll Lockersor archiveSelected Lockers."All Lockers" will simply archive all lockers in the Building Area.In this scenario we are choosingto archiveselectedorlockers.toggleClickvisibility. - Restore
Selected Lockersto continue.In this example we selectarchived lockersLL001andLL002to archive. Click on theArchivebutton to continue.A confirmation message will appear.Restoring Archived LockersIt is also possible to restore lockers that have been archived. To do so use the add locker featureby clickingon+, selecting the+lockers,symbol.Inandthisconfirmingcaserestoration.
The Locker Search screen appears listing the 7 lockers we added to this Building Area.Note: From this screen you may also toggle visibility of any or all of these lockers.
Removing Lockers from Building Areas
It may be neccesary to
A confirmation screen will appear, Note that the lockers are showing "restored" rather than created.