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Allocate Lockers

Quick Steps:
  1. Hover over the Lockers Management icon and select Allocate.Allocate

  2. image.png

  3. Add


    The Manage Locker Numbers page is displayed. When doing your initial configuration, you must startbuilding by addingclicking Buildings to this list.


    Adding Buildings

    Click on Add Building to begin the process.


    The Building Information screen will appear. Enter the Building Name and providesaving anychanges.

  4. Location
  5. After information. Click Save Changes to continue.


    Adding Building Areas

    Once the Building is added to your list you may then addadding a building, click Building Area. Click on Add Area, tofill continue.


    Completeout the form

    Enter an Area Name, a Descriptionform, and thensave.

  6. select the
  7. Click Locker+ User Types you wish to allow permission to rent lockers in this building area.

    Select the Sales Window type for this particular Building Area. You may choose Yearly, Monthly, Semester or Other.

    Click on Save Changes to continue.


    Adding Lockers to a Building Area

    You may now begin to add lockers to the newlyarea. createdUse Building Area. Click on the + symbol to access the AddSpecific Locker To Area screen.


    The Add Lockers To Area screen opens.

    There are multiple options in this tool:
    You may select Specific Lockers where you can add a single locker number in alphanumeric format or multiple locker numbers separated by a line return.
    You may also add lockers by Locker Range whichoptions, willthen allow you to add a numerical sequence (Start and End) along with an optional Prefix or Postfix.
    NOTEYou may also use a combination of these two methods. In our example we are creating LL001, LL002 and LL006 via the Specific Locker method and simultaneously creating a Locker Range of LL007 through to LL010.
    ALSO NOTE: You may opt to create lockers in an area and temporarily have them not visible to the renter. This would allow an admin to prep an area and put the lockers up for rent at a later date, To do so deselect the Visible button. 
    Clickclick Add Lockers.

  8. to
  9. Confirm continue.




    Aand confirmation screen will appear.
    Note that in our scenario, all the lockers we created either through Specific Locker or Locker Range methods are now being created in this Building Area.
    Click Add Lockers to continue.


    You will be taken backreturn to the Manage Locker Numbers screen.

  10. To view thelockers, entire list of lockers for the new area we have added Click onclick the Magnifying Glass Icon.

  11. image.png

    The Locker Search screen appears listing the 7 lockers we added to this Building Area.
    Note: From this screen you may also toggle visibility of any or all of these lockers.


    Removing Lockers from Building Areas

    It may be neccesary to

  12. To remove lockerslockers, from a Building Area. They can be either toggled off for visibility or they may also be archived.
    To archive a locker Click onuse the Trash Bin Icon.Icon

    There are two choices here. Archive All Lockers or archive Selected Lockers.
    "All Lockers" will simply archive all lockers in the Building Area.


    In this scenario we are choosing to archive selectedor lockers.toggle Clickvisibility.

  13. on
  14. Restore Selected Lockers to continue.
    In this example we selectarchived lockers LL001 and LL002 to archive. Click on the Archive button to continue.


    A confirmation message will appear.


    Restoring Archived Lockers

    It is also possible to restore lockers that have been archived. To do so use the add locker feature by clicking on+, selecting the +lockers, symbol.
    Inand thisconfirming caserestoration.

  15. we are going to restore lockers LL001 and LL002 into this Lower Level 1 Building Area.


    A confirmation screen will appear, Note that the lockers are showing "restored" rather than created.
