Primary Driver
WhyQuick isSteps:
a Primary Driver?
The Primary Driver will receive communication from the system such as violation notices. There is a nightly script that runs which will designate primary driver to any vehicle that has been added to the system. If there is no Primary Driver on a vehicle when an appeal is launched, the person launching the appeal will be automatically designated as the Primary Driver.
Who is the Primary Driver?
To access and edit the Primary Driver setting for a vehicle.
Edit a Primary Driver
To edit the Primary Driver informationand click on the Plate linklink.
Inselect the EditPrimary VehicleDriver popupdropdown.
Once you have selected your preferred Primary Driver click on Update Vehicle to savesave.
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Troubleshooting Tip
In some rare cases there are legacy records that might have multiple Primary Drivers associated to the same vehicle. In cases like this, you can resolve the issue by going through the steps described above. By setting the Primary Driver throughis thislisted.
Signs you have two Primary Drivers
If there are two or more Primary Drivers designated for a single vehicle it could cause violations to appear duplicated in the payments screen. If you are experiencing duplication in violations please check the Primary Driver status for the vehicle as a first step to resolving the issue.