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Primary Driver

The Primary Driver is the individual who will receive system notifications, such as violation notices, for a specific vehicle.

Why is there a Primary Driver? The Primary Driver designation ensures that the correct person receives important communications about the vehicle. A nightly script assigns a Primary Driver to any vehicle added to the system. If there is no Primary Driver when an appeal is submitted, the person submitting the appeal will automatically be set as the Primary Driver.

Quick Steps:
  1. Hover over User Management and Click User Search.
  2. Search for the user using either a nameusernameemail or account number.
  3. Click on that user's username to enter that user's Profile Page.
  4. Click on the Vehicles tab.
  5. Find the vehicle and click the Plate button.
  6. In the Edit Vehicle popup, select the Primary Driver dropdown.
  7. Choose the new Primary Driver from the list.
  8. Click Update Vehicle to save.
Step-by-Step Instructions:
  1.  Navigate to User Search: Hover over User Management and Click User Search.
  2. Search for a user: Search for the user using either a nameusernameemail or account number.
  3. Navigate to Vehicles tab: Go to the user's profile and click the Vehicles tab.
  4. Navigate to Edit Vehicle screen: To change the Primary Driver, click on the Plate link to open the Edit Vehicle screen.
  5. Locate Primary Driver: In the Edit Vehicle popup, locate the Primary Driver field, which is a dropdown menu. If the vehicle has more than one driver, you'll see a list of drivers. The current Primary Driver will be highlighted in bold.
  6. Choose a new Primary Driver: Click the dropdown to choose a new Primary Driver from the list.
  7. Save changes: After selecting the new driver, click Update Vehicle to save the changes.
  8. Confirm changes: The Primary Driver will now be updated, and the new driver will be displayed as the primary driver in bold. Verify that the correct Primary Driver is listed.

Occasionally, there might be legacy records where multiple Primary Drivers are associated with the same vehicle. To fix this, follow the steps above to select the correct Primary Driver. The system will automatically remove any other Primary Driver designations.