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Pricing and Lot Admin

Quick Steps:
  1. Hover over the Parking Management icon :  then hover over Lot Administration and select Pricing & Lot Admin.
  2. To view archived lots, click Show Archived.
  3. To export data, click on the Export button.

  4. Click Lot Name to view and edit lot details.
  5. In the General Tab, update the lot name, short name, access settings, and visibility.
  6. In the Zone & Location Tab, set the location description, upload an image, and configure the sales window and access settings.
  7. In the Standard Permits Section, configure cost, prorated sales, multiple permits, and waiting lists.
  8. In the Temporary Parking Tab, set maximum permits, pricing, and permit duration.
  9. In the Lot LPR Settings, configure lot groups and free parking time.
  10. Click Save Updates after making any changes.