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Registering a New User

To start using the ManualOPS-COM User Portal, all customers must register as a new user. User Registration


administrators to register a user manually. This will allow access to features such as purchasing parking permits, renting lockers, and managing violations.

Quick StepsSteps:
  1. Go to User Management â†’ >User Registration.

  2. Fill in the User TypeType,, UsernameUsername,, and user info in the User Short Registration Form and click Submit Registration.

  3. On

    Edit User Profile page, enable Allow user login and mark account as active checkbox.

  4. Complete the mandatory fields in the Edit User FullProfile Registration Form.

  5. EnableSubmit AllowProfile user loginInformation and Active checkboxes.

  6. Select the correct User Type.

  7. Submit and confirm the information:

    • Verify details andcorrect click Information Correct.

  8. Registration is complete. Add a vehicle or purchase a permit if needed.



Stepsstep for Manual User Registrationinstructions:

  1. Hover overUnder User Management  andmenu, click on User Registration.

    • The User Short Registration Form will appear.

  2. Fill out the initial standard information:

    • Select the User Type.

    • Enter the Username and required user information.information.

  3. CompleteClick Submit Registration to move to the Usernext Full Registration Form:

    • Fields marked with an asterisk (*) are

AdminsOn withthe properEdit permissionsUser canProfile adjust which fields are

    1. Enable the following options:

      • Allow user login and mark account as active checkbox.

        • This

          Active checkbox.

        • These settingssetting will allow the user to self-manage their account via the User Portal and prompt them to change their password.

      • SelectComplete theprofile correct User Type:

        • The User Type determines what options are available for the user to purchase on the User Portal.

      • Submitinformation and reviewany registration:mandatory fields. 

        • Click Submit RegistrationProfile Information for Processing.

        • The Confirm Registration Information screen will appear.

          • Verify all information is correct.

          • If edits are needed, click Back.

          • When ready,ready to proceed, click Information Correct.

      • Complete registration:

        • TheYou will be directed back to the RegistrationEdit CompleteUser Profile screen where a pop up will display.let you know that the user profile was successfully updated.

        • You can now proceed to the correct menu to add a vehicle or purchase a permit for the user.

    Fields marked with an asterisk (*) are mandatory.

    Admins with proper permissions can adjust which fields are mandatory.