Registering a New User
To start using theĀ OPS-COM User Portal, all customers must register as a new user. User Registration allows administrators to register a user manually. This will allow access to features such as purchasing parking permits, renting lockers, and managing violations.
Quick Steps:
Go to User Management>User Registration.
Fill in the User Type,Ā Username,Ā and user info in the User Registration FormĀ and click Submit Registration.
- On Edit User Profile page, enable Allow user login and mark account as active checkbox.
- Complete the mandatory fields in the Edit User Profile screen.
Submit Profile Information and confirm the information. If correct click Information Correct.
Registration is complete. Add a vehicle or purchase a permit if needed.
Step by Step Instructions:
Under User ManagementĀ menu, click onĀ User Registration.
The User Registration Form will appear.
Fill out the initial standard information:
Select the User Type.
Enter the Username and required user information.
Click Submit RegistrationĀ to move to the next page.
On the Edit User Profile page:
Enable the Allow user login and mark account as activeĀ checkbox.
- This setting will allow the user to self-manage their account via the User Portal and prompt them to change their password.
Complete profile information and any mandatory fields.Ā
Click Submit Profile Information.
The Confirm Registration Information screen will appear.
Verify all information is correct.
If edits are needed, click Back.
When ready to proceed, clickĀ Information Correct.
Complete registration:
You will be directed back to the Edit User Profile screen where a pop up will let you know that the user profile was successfully updated.
You can now proceed to the correct menu to add a vehicle or purchase a permit for the user.
Fields marked with a red exclamation (!) after failed submission are mandatory fields that must be completed.
Admins with proper permissions can adjust which fields are mandatory.