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Purging Incidents from OPS-COM

  1.  You must add the "Delete Incidents" permission to the Admins you want to give this ability to.
  2. There are two ways to purge selected Incidents: either by searching for a particular incident and clicking the "Delete Incident" button or by using the "Purge Incidents" tool.

Using the Delete Incident Button

  1. Search for the incident you wish to purge.  You can see the "Delete Incident" button is available with the incident if it is older than 7 years.


  2. You can see that the "Delete Not Available" button is greyed out when the incident is less than 7 years old.


Follow the prompts to delete the incident.

Using the Purge Incidents Tool

  1. Click Admin Options, Purge Incidents.

  2. The 'Search for Incidents to Purge' screen displays. Enter your criteria. Note, only the oldest 300 records will be displayed.
    Note that the Number of Instances is greater than or equal to the search field. Therefore supplying 1 here could still display incident instances greater than 1. 

  3. Enable the "Delete" checkbox next to the incident you wish to purge. 


  4. Click the 'Purge Records' button. A confirmation prompt will display. Click the 'Delete' button.


  5. The incident will be purged. Note, this is not reversible. Use Caution when deleting records.