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Moneris Hosted Paypage

for Administrators (Staff) Payments and Transaction Flow

Setting up Moneris Gateway [Step 1] - Login to your Moneris account: Development/Testing Logi...

Updated 1 month ago by Cameron

Chase Exact Hosted Payments

for Administrators (Staff) Payments and Transaction Flow

Setting up Chase Exact Payments In order to configure the client OPS-COM site to use Chase Exact...

Updated 1 month ago by Cameron

Bambora Checkout

for Administrators (Staff) Payments and Transaction Flow

Order Setting Configuration Please use the following screenshot for reference to the [Steps] lis...

Updated 1 month ago by Cameron

Bambora (formerly Beanstream)

for Administrators (Staff) Payments and Transaction Flow

OperationsCommander (OPS-COM) supports Bambora as a compatible hosted payment provider. Please...

Updated 1 month ago by Cameron


for Administrators (Staff) Payments and Transaction Flow

Development: This space is primarily for development against th...

Updated 1 month ago by Cameron

Hosted Payments

for Administrators (Staff) Payments and Transaction Flow

Updated 1 month ago by Cameron

Technical Schematic - Step #1

for Administrators (Staff) Payments and Transaction Flow

Setting Up  Send an email to the offenders primary driver that they have a new violation. Gene...

Updated 1 month ago by Cameron

Automatic Violation Notice

for Administrators (Staff) Payments and Transaction Flow

The Automatic Violation Notice Script sends New and Past Due violation notice emails to ParkAdmin...

Updated 1 month ago by Cameron

Collections Module

for Administrators (Staff) Payments and Transaction Flow

Accessing the Collections Module There are several steps leading up to a collection since ofte...

Updated 1 month ago by Cedar Boulianne

What does a refund look like in the system?

for Administrators (Staff) Payments and Transaction Flow

Locate the user profile for the user you want to refund for. Note: The top right-hand corner will...

Updated 1 month ago by Cameron

Cancel Transaction

for Administrators (Staff) Payments and Transaction Flow

Cancelling On the Transaction Details screen you can see the different options available. You ca...

Updated 1 month ago by Cameron


for Administrators (Staff) Payments and Transaction Flow

Making an Adjustment as an Admin 1. Note that the top right-hand corner will always identify the...

Updated 1 month ago by Cameron

Adjusting a violation to zero dollars

for Administrators (Staff) Payments and Transaction Flow

Adjusting the fine amount by editing the ticket: To adjust the fine amount on the ticket go to...

Updated 1 month ago by Cameron

Types of Reimbursement

for Administrators (Staff) Payments and Transaction Flow

Cancel Transaction To cancel a transaction before a payment is processed When would you can...

Updated 1 month ago by Cameron

Payment Processing Models

for Administrators (Staff) Payments and Transaction Flow

Using a Gateway This is being phased out as the method for handling payments. Using Hosted Pa...

Updated 1 month ago by Cameron

Payments and Transaction Flow

for Administrators (Staff) Payments and Transaction Flow

The flow is a 3 step process, which includes:  User/Admin link item to user User makes paymen...

Updated 1 month ago by Cameron

Filling out the Incident Form (WIP)

for Administrators (Staff) IncidentAdmin

Here is a sample of what the Incident report looks like. Basic information describing what occurr...

Updated 1 month ago by Cameron

Incident Checklist

for Administrators (Staff) IncidentAdmin

Accessing the Checklist To access the checklist go into any incident and click on the Checklist ...

Updated 1 month ago by Cameron

My Incident Tasks

for Administrators (Staff) IncidentAdmin

Accessing your Tasks To access your tasks, click on Incidents, then click My Tasks  To view t...

Updated 1 month ago by Cameron

View Cameras

for Administrators (Staff) IncidentAdmin

To view the cameras, go to Incidents icon, and click on View Camera     2. Next, you will...

Updated 1 month ago by Cameron