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Auto Email Notifications for Warnings

for Administrators (Staff)

Introduction There is now the option to have a warning letter sent to those who have received a ...

Updated 7 hours ago by Nicole

Form 11 Shortcodes

for Administrators (Staff) Shortcodes

Information When issuing a Form 11, there are a number of shortcodes that can be placed in the t...

Updated 9 hours ago by Nicole

PermitTempPdf and Conditional Shortcode

for Administrators (Staff) Shortcodes

PermitTempPdf Shortcode The use of permittemppdf is fairly straight forward. The shortcode has ...

Updated 11 hours ago by Nicole

User Information Shortcodes

for Administrators (Staff) Shortcodes

Shortcodes Shortcodes used to display user information. Keep in mind that the shortcode descrip...

Updated 11 hours ago by Nicole

Lot Information Shortcode

for Administrators (Staff) Shortcodes

Lot Information Display This shortcode can be used anywhere on the site. It does not need to be ...

Updated 12 hours ago by Nicole

Tracking Electrical Vehicles

for Administrators (Staff)

Introduction A flag has been added to vehicles that can be used to mark them as electrical. Thi...

Updated 12 hours ago by Nicole

Flex Permits

for Administrators (Staff)

  Introduction Flex permits allow clients to specify variable prices for a lot, with the poss...

Updated 12 hours ago by Nicole

Viewing Form Entries

for Administrators (Staff) Forms Module

Accessing User Form Entries Access the forms module under the menu tree: User Management ...

Updated 12 hours ago by Nicole

Form Field Types

for Administrators (Staff) Forms Module

Introduction A variety of field types are available when building form questions. The functio...

Updated 12 hours ago by Nicole

New Forms

for Administrators (Staff) Forms Module

Introduction The forms module has been refactored, and has new functionality. Existing form...

Updated 12 hours ago by Nicole

Importer Field Descriptions

for Administrators (Staff) Data Importer

  Introduction A list of all the columns used in the importer and a description of what the f...

Updated 12 hours ago by Nicole

Public-Facing Lot Pages

for Administrators (Staff)

Overview Within the system, there is the option to create a custom lots page, which will display...

Updated 12 hours ago by Cameron

Resetting an Administrators Password

for Administrators (Staff)

Ressetting a Forgotten Admin Password From the Admin Login page click on Forgot your Username ...

Updated 12 hours ago by Cameron

Athletics Module

for Administrators (Staff)

Accessing the Athletics Module The athletics module is a stand-alone module that has its own spe...

Updated 12 hours ago by Cameron

Active Vehicle Report

for Administrators (Staff)

Accessing the Report To view the report go into the User Managent menu and hover over Vehicles a...

Updated 12 hours ago by Cameron

Retrieving Uploaded Files

for Administrators (Staff)

Where to Manage Uploaded Files Admins can view files uploaded by specific users by going into th...

Updated 12 hours ago by Cameron

Generic Alarms

for Administrators (Staff) Alarms

Setting up Alarm Permissions  Before Admins can use alarms in the system they will need to have ...

Updated 12 hours ago by Cameron

People Alarms

for Administrators (Staff) Alarms

Setting up Alarm Permissions  Before admins can use alarms in the system they will need to have ...

Updated 12 hours ago by Cameron

Reports Overview

for Administrators (Staff)

Report Title When do we use this? Parking Reports  Permit Sales by Lot B...

Updated 12 hours ago by Cameron

Plate and Vehicle Alarms

for Administrators (Staff) Alarms

Setting up the Proper Account Settings to View Alarms First we will need to get to Manage Admini...

Updated 12 hours ago by Cameron