Recently Updated Pages
Invoiced Permits Report - Billing Summary by Date by Lot
Permit Invoicing Searching for an Invoice ClickĀ Allocations > Invoice Search.Ā The...
Midnight List (Permits)
InĀ Parking Management, hover over theĀ PermitsĀ icon and click 'Reports' thenĀ 'Midnight List'. A...
Temp Permit Sales Report
UnderĀ Parking Management, hover over theĀ Permit ManagementĀ icon and clickĀ ReportsĀ followed byĀ Tem...
Active Permits Report
Navigating to the Report InĀ Parking Management, hover over theĀ Permit ManagementĀ icon and clickĀ ...
Detailed Permit Sales Report by Lot
Hover overĀ Parking Management,Ā ReportsĀ and clickĀ Detailed Permit Sales Report. TheĀ Detaile...
Permit Sales by Lot by Month
1. InĀ Parking Management, hover over the 'Permit Management' icon and click 'Reports' then 'Permi...
Student Permit and Postal Export
1. InĀ Parking Management, hover over theĀ 'Permit Management'Ā icon and clickĀ 'Student Permit and P...
Awaiting Payment - Permits
Awaiting Payment Report To begin hover over the 'Permit Management' icon and click 'Awaiting Pay...
Wait List Report
Getting to the Wait List ReportĀ InĀ Parking Management, hover over theĀ Permit ManagementĀ icon an...
Waiting List
Managing The Waiting List InĀ Parking Management, hover over theĀ Permit ManagementĀ icon and click...
Non-Student Wait List
1. InĀ Parking Management, hover over theĀ 'Permit Management'Ā icon and click 'Waiting Lists' thenĀ ...
Company Permit Report
InĀ Parking Management, hover overĀ Permit ManagementĀ and clickĀ ReportsĀ thenĀ Company Permit Repor...
Parking Management Reports
Company Permit Report Non-Student Wait List Waiting List Wait List Report Awaiting Paymen...
Rollover: Auto Selection and Automatically Processing Payments
Using Credit Cards on File to Purchase Recurring Permits There are two prerequisites to this fun...
Preventing Permit Rollover after Cancellation
Purchase a permit as an Administrator for any user.Ā Locate the permit on theĀ ProfileĀ page and cl...
Enabling Permit Rollovers without Previous Payment
Hover over theĀ System ConfigĀ menu and clickĀ System Settings. The 'Manage System Settings' ...
Performing Permit Rollovers
When to Rollover Permits Patrons who pay by payroll deduction or through credit card purchases c...
Sales Window Management
Creating a new Sales WindowĀ To create a new Sales Window clickĀ NEWĀ TheĀ Create New Sales W...
Setup Lots to Use Text2ParkMe
Hover overĀ 'Parking Management'Ā and clickĀ 'Lot Administration'Ā thenĀ 'Pricing & Lot Admin'. ...
Setting Up A Lot To Be Visible and Available To The End User
IMPORTANT NOTE:Ā Show Only Visible Lots can be toggled on or off.With the checkbox left unchecked ...