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Setup Lots to Use Text2ParkMe

Text2ParkMe (T2P) allows users to pay for temporary parking via SMS (text) messaging. Text2ParkMe will also send out reminders when their parking time is about to expire and allow users the option to extend their parking time. Text messaging fees do apply based on individual phone plans.

If you have purchased Text2ParkMe, you must have a gateway provider setup to accept T2P payments. You must work with our project manager to ensure this gateway is configured and tested to work with your system. 

You will also require a T2P phone number that your users will text to obtain temporary parking. The OperationsCommander Support team will ensure this number is setup and tested for you.

Quick Steps:
  1. Hover over Parking Management, then Lot Administration and click Pricing & Lot Admin.
  2. Click a Lot Name to open its settings.
  3. Select the Temporary Permits tab.
  4. Fill out all fields in the red box (especially the Text Code).
  5. Click Update this Lot to save.
Step-by-Step Instructions:
  1. Navigate to the Lot Administration page: Hover over Parking Management in the main menu. Click Lot Administration and then select Pricing & Lot Admin.

  2. Locate your lots settings: In the window, click on a Lot Name to open the specific lot's settings.

  3. Click on Temporary Permits: Select the Temporary Permits tab. You will see several fields. Be sure to fill out all the items in the red box, as these are required. The Text Code is the display name that users will see when choosing this lot to park in.

  4. Save Changes: Once all required fields are filled out, click the Update Lot button to save your changes.