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Reports Overview

Report Title When do we use this?

Parking Reports 

Permit Sales by Lot By Month The 'Permit Sales by Lot by Month' report displays the lots, payment types, amount of sales processed and the number of permits sold based on a particular month.
This report also provides the total sales for the month and the total number of permits sold that month.
Permit Sales Report The Permit Sales Report provides a breakdown of sales for a selected allocation type and time period.
Active Permit Report The Active Permits Report provides a breakdown of who owns permits for a selected allocation type and time period.
Temp Permit Sales Report The Temp Permit Sales Report provides a breakdown of who has purchased temp permits within a selected time period.
Athletic Permit Sales The Athletic Permit Sales report provides purchase details based on user types that include 'Athletics' or has the athletic user type included in their lot. 
Lot Value Report The Lot Value report will summarize your Lot utilization and total value of the permits sold in each lot.
Active Parker Report
Midnight List This is a list of permits that will be cleared at midnight. The permits will automatically be released from users that do not have promises for payment
(e.g. the permit was reserved but the user did not specify how they were going to pay). These permits will be available for purchase again the next day.

Violation Reports 

Violations by Location/Officer Report The Summary Report by Officer report allows administrators to search for Violations issued by an officer and see a summary of how many violations were :
issued of each type, How many were appealed, how many were upheld, reduced or canceled, how many spoils and warnings, how many paid or unpaid
Paid Violations Summary by Type Report The Paid Violations Summary by Type report allows administrators to search for Violations issued by Date and Type.
The report will display the number of violations issued by type and the Total amounts for each type including Warnings.
Violations by Officer Report The Violations by Officer report allows administrators to search for Violations issued by the officer. You can filter on Date, Ticket Writer, Spoil Type, and Ticket Type.
The report will display the number of violations each officer has issued, the plates they were issued to, the date of the violation and the fine amounts.
Summary Report by Officer The Summary Report by Officer report allows administrators to search for Violations issued by the officer and see a summary of how many violations were :
issued of each type, How many were appealed, how many were upheld, reduced or canceled, how many spoils and warnings, how many paid or unpaid
List Overdue Report The List Overdue report allows administrators to report on violations that have not been paid before the due date.
Once the violation is paid it would drop off of this report. You can filter on User Type, Ticket Type, and Date.
Violations by Pay Type by Month Report The Violations by Pay Type by Month report allows administrators to search for Violations issued by Month and Payment Type.

Incident Reports 

Recent Incidents Summary Report
(Last 30 Days)
The Recent Incidents option provides administrators with a table of all incidents that have been recorded in the previous 30 days.
Search Repeat Offenders Report The Search Repeat Offenders report allows administrators to search for users with Multiple Violations issued. You can filter on Date, Ticket Type, Number of Violations and User Types.
Weekly Stat Report The Weekly Stat Report is a listing of the number of Incidents listed by category and sub category filtered by date.
Calls For Service
Incidents Summary Report The Incidents Summary Report allows administrators to get a summary of all incidents that have been recorded within a specified time frame.
From here, administrators can also get the details of a particular incident and make updates.
Incidents Summary Report
by Category
The Incidents Summary Report by Category allows administrators to get a summary of all incidents that have been recorded based on specified incident categories for a specified time frame.
From here, administrators can also get the details of a particular incident and make updates.
Incident Summary Report
by Sub-Location
The Incidents Summary Report by Location allows administrators to get a summary of all incidents that have been recorded based on a specified location for a specified time frame.
From here, administrators can also get the details of a particular incident and make updates.
Incidents GIS Report
(Carleton Only)

Unpaid In-house Report

Payments Reports 

Daily Payments The Daily Payments report shows all of the submitted or processed payments in a certain time frame. It can be reduced to only show certain payment types during that time frame.
Unprocessed Payments The Unprocessed Payment report will show all promises to pay that have been submitted but not yet marked as payments you have received. This report can be exported to Excel.
Processed Payroll Deduction The Processed Payroll Deduction Report allows the admin user to report on payments processed as payroll deductions through the system grouped by day for a user defined time frame.
More...: Payment Reports

By clicking on "More..." the admin user will be taken to a page that offers several additional preset reports such as:

List Cheque Refunds
List unprocessed Cash, Cheque, and Money Order payments
List unprocessed Credit Card payments
List unprocessed Payroll Deduction payments
List unprocessed Internal payments
List ALL unprocessed payments
List ALL unprocessed adjustments
List ALL Processed Payroll Deductions
List Daily Processed Payments (by date range)
List Daily Submitted Payments (by date range)

Tax Exemption Report This report will output an excel file listing all individuals that have a tax exemption number providing first name. last name and their respective tax exemption code.
Failed Payments

This report will show any automatic credit card payments that have failed at a certain point in time. If the payment is redone and successful after appearing in this report once it will still show up as a failed payment from during the original time frame unless it is cleared.

Billing Account Setup Report This report shows a list of users who do not have their subscription settings set, meaning they will not be able to pay for automatic payments, such as rollovers. It also lists any company that is not setup with a billing account.