Search Repeat Offenders Report
The search repeat offenders page allows site admins to find vehicles and users on the site that have received multiple parking violations on their account.
- Violations -> Search Repeat Offenders
Page Usage
The page will appear as displayed.
Several options are available to narrow the search.
Start Date and End Date: specifies the range in which the violations were received.
Ticket Category: the category of the violation received.
Number of Violations: the min number of violations the user or vehicle has received.
Processed Value: categorizes violations based on their processing status.
- Unprocessed: violations that have not been processed yet.
- Processed: violations that have been paid for and processed.
- Warning Only: violations that were marked as a warning instead issuing a fine.
Unknown Users Only: only shows violations assigned to vehicles without a known user tied to them.
Search By:
- Vehicle/Plate: outputs the count of violations tied to license plates. Will not include violations attached directly to a user.
- User/Driver: outputs the count of violations tied to users. Includes violations attached directly to the user and any violations attached to their vehicles. Will not include violations attached to a vehicle with no assigned driver.
- Vehicle/Plate: outputs the count of violations tied to license plates. Will not include violations attached directly to a user.
The grouping of the output will vary depending on whether it is selected to be output by vehicle or by user.
By Vehicle/Plate
Grouping on the vehicle will show the number of violations on each plate, and any associated drivers of the vehicle.
Individual violations can be viewed by clicking on the violation count.
The warning icon next to the username will show a list of the violations associated to that user.
By User/Driver
Grouping on the user will show the number of violations given to the user, including any violations given to vehicles the user is the driver of.
Individual violations can be viewed by clicking on the violation count.
The icon next to the total violation count shows the breakdown of the total, showing the number of violations assigned to the user and the number of violations assigned to that user's vehicles.
Exporting Results
After searching, the results can be exported in a chosen format by clicking one of the green buttons at the top right of the search results.