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Using Permit Proration


In Lot Admin and Pricing go into the lot you wish to setup for Proration.
On the Standard permit tab select This lot can be prorated.


This lot is now set for proration.

Using Proration for Permits

Search for a user and bring up their profile. In our example we are looking for the user mashbury. 

Click on the Parking tab to begin the process of buying a permit.


The Parking Permit Registration screen displays. Click on Standard Parking Permit for the lot you wish the user to park in.
Note the full price for this permit is $130.00.


The Confirm Parking Permit Registration page will display.

  1. First choose the permit number you wish to associate with the user.
  2. Secondly select the start date for the permit to be valid
  3. Once the the permit number and start date are selected you will notice the cost is adjusted accordingly and the label *prorated is applied. In this case the cost is reduced to $69.33 from $100.00
    Click on Purchase this Permit to continue.


The resulting cost of the permit will show in the user's profile both on the Admin Portal as well as the User's Portal.
