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Permissions in OPS-COM

User Management Permissions

Permission Names Description
View Users Allows the admin user to view, but not change, the users in the system. User Search functionality is enabled.

Edit Users

Allows the admin user to edit users in the system including new User Registration.

This should be used with the 'View Users' permission.

  • If 'View Users' is enabled, Admins can see the user history including Permits and Violations issued (but not the details) and any payments outstanding for this user.
  • If 'View Users' is not enabled, Admins can only use the User Registration portion and cannot search for existing users.

Delete User Aliases

This permission allows users to Update User Aliases. It cannot be used without 'View Users' and 'Edit Users' turned on.

Edit Vehicle Information

Allows Admin to update vehicles and view the vehicle's history. Admins can also do a Plate Search from the User Management menu. In addition, Admins can see the DNTT reports.
Edit Forms Allows Admins to create, update and view forms.
View Forms Allows Admins to view all forms and see the user-submitted entries of forms. Users cannot create or edit forms without the 'Edit Forms' permission.
Clear Alarms on User Profile Allows Admins the ability to update and clear alarms on the user's profile. This must be used with 'View Users' and 'Edit Users' permissions enabled.
Send Bulk Email Allows Admins to send email messages to various groups of Users.

Locker Permissions

Permission Names Description
Building Areas Allows the Admin user to view buildings and building areas and add buildings and building areas. You must use this with the 'View Lockers' permission.

View Lockers

Allows the Admin to view lockers and look at locker history. As well the Admin can see lockers awaiting payment.

Edit Locker Information

Allows users to edit the locker information.

Allocate Lockers

Ability to allocate locker numbers to a building area.
Edit Locker Allocations Allows creation and editing of locker sales windows, allows Admin users to view active locker sales window

Allocation Locker - Single

Admins are able to add new buildings and building areas, able to create and update certain lockers. You must have 'View Lockers' enabled to use this permission effectively.

Parking Permissions

Permission Names Description
Pricing & Lot Administration

Allows Admins to create and edit lots.

This permission will not work by itself. The Admin must also have the following permissions:

  • View Permits
  • Edit Permits
  • Allocate Permits
  • Edit Permit Allocations
View Permits This allows the Admin to view Permit records, do Permit Switches and to view waiting lists.
Edit Permits This allows the Admin to edit Permit details. This permission allows access to most functions that relate to permits.
Allocate Permits Grants the ability to allocate permits to different lots. This permission will also grant all privileges of the 'View Permits' permission.
Edit Permit Allocations Allows access to edit the Permit Allocation Sales Window and the Active Permit Sales Window.
View Access Cards Allows the Admin to view Access cards. This will not work without the 'View Permits' permission enabled as well.
Edit Access Cards Allows the Admin to edit Access cards. This will not work without the 'View Permits' permission enabled as well.
Add Access Cards Allows the Admin to add Access cards. This will not work without the 'View Permits' permission enabled as well.
Prorate Permit Purchases Allows the Admin to prorate permit purchases for the end user. This cannot be used without 'User Management' permissions and 'Edit Permits' enabled.
Create Temp Permit Entries Allows Admins to use the Parking Validation utility. Please note, 

Violations Permissions

Permission Names Description

View Violations

Allows the Admin to see information about violations including, basic user details and details of any payments.

Edit Violations
Allows the Admin to search for violations. This permission requires 'View Violations' to see the details.
Edit Violation ticket number
Grants the ability to edit a violation number if you also have the 'View Violations' permission.
Display as Ticket Writer Grants the ability to be a ticket writer on the Handheld or the Web if the Admin also has the 'Add New Violations'.
Add New Violations
Allows the Admin to issue a violation. The Admin must have the 'Edit Vehicle Information' permission found in the User Management section.
Grant Violation Appeals
Gives the ability to manage Appeals and grant them. The Admin must have the 'View Appeal Reports' permission as well.
View Appeal Reports
Allows the Admin to view Appeal reports for different officers. Admins must also have the 'View Violations' and 'Edit Violations' permissions.
Issue / View Violation Notices
Allows the Admin the ability to issue and View Violation Notices.
Manage Collections
Grants the ability to manage the collections process for violations.
View Violation Reports
Allows the Admin to view financial and statistical reports regarding violations. Admins must have the 'View Violations' permission as well.

Incident Permissions

Permission Names Description

Add/Edit Contact History User Notes

Grants the Admin the ability to add / edit notes in contact history. You must have User Management permissions to use this since it is accessed through the user profile.

Delete User Contact History Notes

Grants the Admin the ability to delete User notes in contact history. You must have User Management permissions to use this since it is accessed through the user profile.

You must also have the 'Add/Edit Contact History User Notes' permission.

View All Incidents

This is a master permission that grants the ability to view all Incidents. This permission is normally used for high-level Admins as it grants access to all information.

Add Incidents

Allows the Admin to add incidents and have an incident reported on their behalf.

Delete Incident

USE WITH CAUTION - This permission should only be added to a Primary Admin. If this is enabled the Admin can remove the incident and all related records and files where they are not used in other reports.

There is a button on the incident to "Delete Incident".

Open Incidents

Allows the Admin to open incidents that are closed. This requires the 'View all Incidents' permission. This permission is normally used for high-level Admins.

Edit Incidents

Grants the ability to edit Incidents. This requires the 'View all Incidents' permission. This permission is normally used for high-level Admins.

View Incidents - Self

Allows the Admin to view Incidents if they are listed as the reporter.

Edit Task Notes on Incidents

Grants the ability to edit comments on Incident tasks. Requires the 'View all Incidents' permission.

Edit Incident summaries Allows the Admin to edit Incident Summaries. Requires the 'View all Incidents' permission. 

Incident Administrator Grants the ability to view and edit incidents. This permission is normally used for high-level Admins.
View/Edit Confidential Information Allows the Admin to View/Edit Confidential Information on reported incidents. Requires the 'View all Incidents' permission.
Be assigned Tasks Directly Allows the Admin to be assigned as an investigator for an Incident.
Edit Incident Tasks Grants the ability to edit Incident Tasks. Requires the 'View all Incidents' permission.
Close Incidents / Checklists

Grants the ability to close Incidents and Checklists. Requires the following permissions:

  • View all Incidents
  • Incident Administrator
Assign Incident to Case Manager Allows the Admin to Ability to assign a Case Manager to an Incident. Requires the 'View all Incidents' permission.
Assign Incident To An Investigator Allows the Admin to assign an Investigator to an Incident. Requires the 'View all Incidents' permission. This permission is normally used for high-level Admins.
Assign Incident To A Different Investigator Allows the Admin to assign a different Investigator to an Incident. Requires the 'View all Incidents' permission. This permission is normally used for high-level Admins.
Is Incident Case Manager Allows the Admin to be listed as a Case Manager that can be assigned to an Incident.
Is Incident Shift Manager Allows the Admin to be listed as an Incident Shift Manager. This will require some other high-level permissions as required for the job.
View Incidents Distribution Reports Grants the ability to view the Incident Distribution Reports.
View Incident Reports Grants the ability to view all Incident Reports in OPS-COM.
View Incident In-House Report Grants the ability to view the Unpaid In-House Incident report.
Export Incident Reports Grants the ability to export the Recent Incidents Report and the Sub-location Report to Excel.

Dispatch Permissions

Permission Names Description
View License Plate Alarms Allows Admins to view License Plate alarms.
Receive License Plate Alarms via email Allows Admins to receive Plate Alarms via email if they also have subscribed to the Alarms list.
View People Alarms Allows Admins to view People alarms.
Receive People Alarms via email Allows Admins to receive People Alarms via email if they also have subscribed to the Alarms list.
Add New Dispatch Logs Grants the ability to add dispatch logs.
Edit Dispatch Logs Grants the ability to edit the Admin's own dispatch logs.
Edit All Dispatch Logs Grants the ability to edit the dispatch logs of other Admins.
Open Dispatch Logs Allows Admins to Open dispatch logs.
View Dispatch Logs Allows Admins to View dispatch logs and close log records.
Add/Drop Dispatch Logs Grants the ability to remove the association of a Dispatch Log with an incident.
View Cameras Allows the Admins to view Cameras, if this is configured with OPS-COM.

Payment Permissions

Permission Names Description

Manage User Credit Cards

Grants the ability to add, remove and update credit cards from Users.

View Payments Grants the ability to view payments. Limited access to user information is also granted.
Edit Payments Allows the Admin to process payments. Admin must have the 'View Payments' permission.
Change Payment Type Allows the Admin to change the Payment Type of a payment.
Drop Payments Allows the Admin to drop payments.
Mark Bulk Payments Grants the ability to mark Bulk payments for bulk processing.
Refund Payments Grants the ability to refund payments, but not process.
Process Refunds/Adjustments

Allows the Admin to process refunds and adjustments.

System Content Permissions

Permission Names Description

View and Select Files

Grants the ability to view and select files for use in editors. Admins must have the 'Manage System Messages' permission as well.

Manage Files Allows the Admin to add and remove files for use with content editors. Admins must have the 'Manage System Messages' permission as well.
Manage System Messages Grants the ability to edit the email templates, home page messages, system messages, Temp Permit Text and Notice Literature.
View History Search Allows the Admin to view history searches if they also have the corresponding User Management permissions.
Purge Old Data Allows the Admin to purge Data older than 7 years.

System Configuration Permissions

Permission Names Description

Manage Roles

Grants the ability to manage roles and permissions. This is typically the job of a Primary Admin only.

Edit Administrators Allows the Admin to edit other Admin user accounts and assign roles based on their job description. This requires 'Manage Roles' to function. This is typically the job of a Primary Admin only.
Manage System Configuration Grants the ability to edit the System Settings. This is typically the job of a Primary Admin only.
Manage User Types and Departments Allows the Admin to manage User Types and Departments.
Manage Vehicle Configuration Allows the Admin to setup the different Vehicles descriptions that are used in OPS-COM.
Manage Permit Types and States Allows Admins to manage the Zones, Groups, Common Lots and Permit States. This must be used the 'Edit Permits' permission.
Manage Access Cards Grants the ability to setup Access card options.
Manage Barcodes Allows the Admin to setup Barcode options.
Manage Locations Grants the ability to setup Locations options for use in OPS-COM.
Manage Handhelds Allows the Admin to manage settings stored in the Handheld Commons area
Manage Violation Offence Types Allows the Admin to manage ticket types and ticket offence items.
Manage Alert Lists Allows the Admin to setup alert and alarm email lists.
Manage Distribution Configuration Allows the Admin access the Distribution setup options.
Manage Dispatch Configuration Grants the ability to the Dispatch setup options.
Manage Incident Configuration Allows the Admin to configure the IncidentAdmin options.
Manage Cameras Grants the ability to Admin to access the Camera options.
Reset Database Allows the Admin to the reset their preview database for testing.
Manage Duplicates Grants the ability to resolve duplicates in the system.